
Journey to Serve

Journey to Serve

At New Hope Memorial Gardens, we are always proud to support our veterans, and we would love for you to join our team. If you or someone you know is a veteran, please read more into Journey to Serve, as they will help provide the resources and guidance in making the funeral service profession your next meaningful and worthwhile career.

Journey to Serve is a unique marketing campaign launched in 2021 by the Funeral Service Foundation and the ICCFA Educational Foundation. This collaborative effort between organizations aims to engage, recruit and hire more military veterans to careers in the funeral service profession – including meaningful work in funeral homes, cemeteries, crematories, funeral vendors, finance companies, insurance partners, and all levels of support roles. When asked to name their top business challenges, owners of funeral profession businesses rank finding strong employees at the top of the list.

This campaign is an especially urgent call to action during times of crisis, such as a pandemic, when the ‘service’ part of the funeral profession really shines. Caring, competent, mission-driven employees are needed now more than ever.

Find valuable resources for both veterans and funeral directors, including downloadable content, insights and testimonials.

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